Future Energy Pathways (FEP): draft guidance

Closed 13 Sep 2024

Opened 13 Aug 2024


We are seeking views on our draft Future Energy Pathways Guidance (Guidance), which is directed at the, soon to be established and operational, National Energy System Operator (NESO).

Who should respond 

We would like views from the Energy System Operator (ESO) or those that utilise the Future Energy Pathways (FEP), previously the Future Energy Scenarios. We also welcome responses from other stakeholders and the public.


Future Energy Scenarios have been published annually by the current Energy System Operator (ESO) since 2011. They have explored how expected future energy demand and supply could be met by making changes to infrastructure, technology, innovation and consumer behaviour in line with net zero targets.

As of 2024, the ESO has moved from the previous scenario-based approach to strategic pathways. Recognising this, here they are referred to as the FEP.

ESO will soon be designated as the Independent System Operator and Planner, hold an Electricity System Operator Licence and Gas System Planner Licence, and be known by the company name of National Energy System Operator (NESO).

Once created, NESO will have responsibilities across Great Britain’s electricity and gas networks, including all the existing functions of ESO, so it is able to take an enhanced whole system approach to planning and operating the energy sector.

In line with its proposed new strategic planning responsibilities, a key objective for NESO will be the delivery of the Centralised Strategic Network Plan (CSNP) announced in November 2022. Amongst many other uses, the FEP will need to support delivery of the CSNP by providing energy modelling input.

Purpose of this guidance

Our draft Guidance is directed at NESO who, once set up, will develop the FEP. It sets out instructions on the processes, content and timeframe for producing the Future Energy Pathways Methodology and Pathways. It also refers to the CSNP Guidance. A draft version of this will be published for consultation in due course.

We intend to issue the draft Guidance in line with draft licence conditions C15 of the Electricity System Operator Licence and C10 of the Gas System Planner Licence.

These licence conditions are not yet in effect. The proposed Electricity System Operator Licence and Gas System Planner Licence are subject to consultation and statutory decisions, therefore, the Future Energy Pathway conditions referred to in the draft Guidance are potentially subject to change. 

Our progress

We conducted several consultations between 2021 and 2023.

Our consultation in November 2021 followed our review of network planning processes and led us to the development of the CSNP.

The second consultation in November 2022 outlined that the CSNP may utilise outputs from the FEP.

After this, we proposed:

  • moving towards strategic pathways instead of scenarios in May 2023
  • that the assessment of system need under the plan is extended to 2050 using multiple future energy pathways in July 2023.

We decided to adopt our previous consultation proposals of developing a set of strategic pathways to net zero in December 2023.

Before you start

Read the draft Guidance. You’ll find it in the ‘Related’ section on this page.

You will be asked to comment on different sections of the draft Guidance in relation to our decisions published in stage one of our 2023 decision. These are:

  • section one: develop a set of strategic pathways to net zero
  • section two: types of pathways and presentation of non-delivery of net zero futures
  • section three: the time horizon for pathways
  • section four: treatment of high-impact, low-probability events
  • section five: incorporating network constraints into the modelling
  • section six: improvements to transparency in analysis and outputs
  • section seven: national and regional outputs
  • section eight: timing of the FEP publications

Why your views matter

You may have previously responded to our calls for input and now we’re keen to hear what you think about our draft Guidance.

What happens next

This consultation has now closed. We are analysing all responses we have received. Once analysed, we will publish non-confidential responses alongside a write-up and the final Guidance.


  • Gas suppliers
  • Electricity suppliers
  • Energy industry employees
  • Academic
  • Policy
  • Government
  • Consumer groups


  • Network planning